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Date : 2015-09-21
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Primates in the Real World Escaping Primate Folklore and ~ Primates in the Real World goes on to trace primatology’s shift from shortterm expeditions designed to help overcome centuriesold myths to the field’s arrival as a recognized science sustained by a complex web of international collaborations Considering a series of pivotal episodes spanning the twentieth century Georgina Montgomery shows how individuals both within and outside of the scientific community gradually liberated themselves from primate folklore to create primate science
Primates in the Real World Escaping Primate Folklore and ~ Primates in the Real Worldgoes on to trace primatologys shift from shortterm expeditions designed to help overcome centuriesold myths to the fields arrival as a recognized science sustained by a complex web of international collaborations Considering a series of pivotal episodes spanning the twentieth century Georgina Montgomery shows how individuals both within and outside of the scientific community gradually liberated themselves from primate folklore to create primate science
Primates in the Real World Escaping Primate Folklore and ~ Primates in the Real World Escaping Primate Folklore and Creating Primate Science by Georgina M Montgomery Charlottesville University of Virginia Press 2015 176 pp Stephanie F Etting University of California Davis Search for more papers by this author Stephanie F Etting
Primates in the Real World Escaping Primate Folklore and ~ Buy Primates in the Real World 9780813937366 Escaping Primate Folklore and Creating Primate Science NHBS Georgina M Montgomery University of Virginia Press About Help Blog Jobs Established 1985 NHBS GmbH Newsletter Google 48 Stars
Primates in the real world escaping primate folklore and ~ Primates in the Real World goes on to trace primatologys shift from shortterm expeditions designed to help Considering a series of pivotal episodes spanning the twentieth century Georgina Montgomery shows how individuals both within and outside of the scientific community gradually liberated themselves from primate folklore to create primate science
Georgina M Montgomery Primates in the Real World ~ Georgina M Montgomery Primates in the Real World Escaping Primate Folklore and Creating Primate Science xiii 160 pp figs tesvilleLondon
Primates in the Real World Escaping Primate Folklore and ~ In lieu of an abstract here is a brief excerpt of the content 27 2 Venturing out of the Lab and into the Wild Early Primate Field Studies By the 1920s over two centuries of mythmaking about nonhuman primates had created a folklore consisting of exaggerated stories of primate behavior and inaccurate images of their physical form
Primates in the Real World Escaping Primate Folklore and ~ P rimates in the Real World goes on to trace primatology’s shift from shortterm expeditions designed to help overcome centuriesold myths to the field’s arrival as a recognized science sustained by a complex web of international collaborations Considering a series of pivotal episodes spanning the twentieth century Georgina Montgomery shows how individuals both within and outside of the scientific community gradually liberated themselves from primate folklore to create primate science
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