▶▶ Download Down to the Waterline: Boundaries, Nature, and the Law in Florida Books

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Author : Sara Warner
Date : 2007-11-01
Page : 295
Rating : 4.5
Reviews : 2
Category : Book

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Down to the Waterline Boundaries Nature and the Law in ~ Using Florida as a case study Down to the Waterline is the first booklength analysis of the OHWL doctrine and its legal technical and cultural underpinnings Sara Warner not only covers the historical function of the OHWL but tells how advances in science and our environmental attitudes have led us to a more complex encounter with this ancient boundary
Down to the Waterline Boundaries Nature and the Law in ~ In most states the boundary separating public waters from private uplandsthe ordinary high water line OHWLis a flashpoint between proponents of either property rights or publictrust protection of our water Using Florida as a case study Down to the Waterline is the first booklength analysis of the OHWL doctrine and its legal
Down to the waterline boundaries nature and the law in ~ Book Down to the waterline boundaries nature and the law in Florida 2005 266 pp Abstract This book provides information on the ordinary high water line OHWL doctrine and its legal technical and cultural underpinnings
Down to the waterline boundaries nature and the law in ~ Using Florida as a case study Down to the Waterline is an analysis of the boundary separating public waters from private uplands the ordinary high water line OWHL its doctrine and its legal It covers the historical function scientific advances and environmental attitudes
Down to the waterline boundaries nature and the law in ~ She begins her history with the earliest enacting of OHWL laws in Florida in the 19th century and traces their interpretation and application since The result is a complex emotional economic and technological story of human activity in development and navigation the impact on clean water and the environment and the conflicts that are the result
REVIEW Down to the Waterline Boundaries Nature and the ~ Down to the Waterline Boundaries Nature and the Law in Florida by Sara Warner University of Georgia Press ISBN 0820327034 2495 Down to the Waterline is a comprehensive review of Florida’s water boundary ownership issues from the early days of statehood 1845 to the present It includes extensive research of
Online Down to the Waterline Boundaries Nature and the ~ Using Florida as a case study Down to the Waterline is the first booklength analysis of the OHWL doctrine and its legal technical and cultural underpinnings
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About For Books Down to the Waterline Boundaries Nature ~ Using Florida as a case study Down to the Waterline is the first booklength analysis of the OHWL doctrine and its legal technical and cultural underpinnings
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