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Date : 1997-09-23
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Laws of Chaos Invariant Measures and ~ The book provides a personal view on invariant measures and dynamical systems in one dimension It is given a detailed study of the piecewise linear transformations under another spirit than that of W Doeblin developed in the commemorative volume Doeblin and modern probability
Laws of Chaos Invariant Measures and Dynamical Systems in ~ The book provides a personal view on invariant measures and dynamical systems in one dimension It is given a detailed study of the piecewise linear transformations under another spirit than that of W Doeblin developed in the commemorative volume Doeblin and modern probability
Laws of Chaos Invariant Measures and Dynamical Systems ~ The book provides a personal view on invariant measures and dynamical systems in one dimension It is given a detailed study of the piecewise linear transformations under another spirit than that of W Doeblin developed in the commemorative volume Doeblin and modern probability
Laws of chaos Invariant and dynamical systems in one ~ Laws of chaos Invariant measures and dynamical systems in one dimension by Abraham Boyarski and Pawcl Gora Birkhauser Verlag AG Klosterberg 23 CH4010 Basel Switzer land 1997 pp 399 sFr 108 The main title of this book The laws of chaos makes one wonder if this is yet another hook among the
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TARGETS AND HOLES ~ We address the extreme value problem of a onedimensional dynamical system approaching a fixed target while constrained to avoid a fixed set—which can be Our approach also links parameters of the EVD to dynamical quantities thus it pro P F Góra Laws of Chaos Invariant Measures and Dynamical Systems in One Dimension
Stochastic Stability in a Model of Drilling SpringerLink ~ A random perturbation of a dynamical system serving as a model for the drilling process is studied For this perturbation the existence of absolutely continuous stationary distributions is proved Laws of Chaos Invariant measures and Dynamical Systems in One Dimension Boston Basel Birkhäuser1997 Google Scholar 6
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Markov Parititions Clarkson University ~ Markov Parititions Erik M Bollt Laws of Chaos Invariant Measures and Dynamical Systems in One Dimension Birkh¤auser Boston 1997 3 D Lind B Marcus An Introduction to Symbolic Dynamics and Coding Cambridge University Press New York 1995
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