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Date : 1990-11-01
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Category : Book

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Mushrooms and Truffles of the Southwest Jack S States ~ The American Southwest is not usually thought of as a habitat for mushrooms yet its various life zones are home to a surprising number of fungi and related species This first book on the regions mushrooms and truffles provides descriptions and color illustrations for 156 major species and additional descriptive references for 155 more
Mushrooms and Truffles of the Southwest Jack S States ~ The American Southwest is not usually thought of as a habitat for mushrooms yet its various life zones are home to a surprising number of fungi and related species This first book on the regions mushrooms and truffles provides descriptions and color illustrations for 156 major species and additional descriptive references for 155 more
Mushrooms and Truffles of the Southwest by Jack S States ~ The American Southwest is not usually thought of as a habitat for mushrooms yet its various life zones are home to a surprising number of fungi and related species This first book on the regions mushrooms and truffles provides descriptions and color illustrations for 156 major species and additional descriptive references for 155 more
Mushrooms and Truffles of the Southwest UAPress ~ The American Southwest is not usually thought of as a habitat for mushrooms yet its various life zones are home to a surprising number of fungi and related species This first book on the regions mushrooms and truffles provides descriptions and color illustrations for 156 major species and additional descriptive references for 155 more
Project MUSE Mushrooms and Truffles of the Southwest ~ The American Southwest is not usually thought of as a habitat for mushrooms yet its various life zones are home to a surprising number of fungi and related species This first book on the regions mushrooms and truffles provides descriptions and color illustrations for 156 major species and additional descriptive references for 155 more
Mushrooms and truffles of the Southwest Book 1990 ~ The American Southwest is not usually thought of as a habitat for mushrooms yet its various life zones are home to a surprising number of fungi and related species This first book on the regions mushrooms and truffles provides descriptions and color illustrations for 156 major species and additional descriptive references for 155 more
Mushrooms and Truffles of the Southwest on JSTOR ~ Mushrooms and Truffles of the Southwest Book Description The American Southwestis not usually thought of as a habitat for mushrooms yet its various life zones are home to a surprising number of fungi and related species
Project MUSE Mushrooms and Truffles of the Southwest ~ Stomach Fungi GASTEROMYCETES PUFFBALLS AND ALLIES AND AGARICOID GASTEROMYCETES If one were to designate a group of mushrooms as characteristic of the deserts and dry sites of the Southwest it would clearly be the class Gasteromycetes
Wild About Mushrooms Truffles ~ The mention of truffles conjures up images of the expensive French black truffle Tuber melanosporum from the Périgord region of southwest France used in making pâté de foie gras or the renowned odorous white truffle Tuber magnatum of Alba in the Piedmont district of Italy
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