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Date : 2015-12-04
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Climate Trauma Foreseeing the Future in Dystopian Film ~ In Climate Trauma author E Ann Kaplan shows how movies as far back as the 1970s have depicted scenarios of future gloom tied to human neglect and mistreatment of our planet—and how dystopian films can still inspire us with hope for a better world
Climate Trauma Foreseeing the Future in Dystopian Film ~ Climate Trauma Foreseeing the Future in Dystopian Film and Fiction Each month brings new scientific findings that demonstrate the ways in which human activities from resource extraction to carbon emissions are doing unprecedented perhaps irreparable damage to our world
Climate Trauma Foreseeing the Future in Dystopian Film ~ The world of Fernando Meirelles’s filmBlindness adapted from José Saramago’s novel with the same title resembles the worlds in other futurist dystopian films but unlike those films here the focus is on details regarding the human body in distress in the context of a severely constrained physical space It is all but impossible not to be reminded again of the Nazi concentration camps as well as of the fascist regime Saramago knew in his youth in Portugal
Climate Trauma Foreseeing the Future in Dystopian Film ~ Climate Trauma Foreseeing the Future in Dystopian Film and Fiction E Ann Kaplan Each month brings new scientific findings that demonstrate the ways in which human activities from resource extraction to carbon emissions are doing unprecedented perhaps irreparable damage to our world
Climate Trauma Foreseeing the Future in Dystopian Film ~ Examining dystopian classics like Soylent Green alongside more recent examples like The Book of Eli Climate Trauma also stretches the limits of the genre to include features such as Blindness The Happening Take Shelter and a number of documentaries on climate change These eclectic texts allow Kaplan to outline the typical blindspots of the genre which rarely depicts climate catastrophe from the vantage point of women or minorities
Climate Trauma Foreseeing the Future in Dystopian Film ~ Climate Trauma Foreseeing the Future in Dystopian Film and Fiction E Ann Kaplan Rutgers University Press Dec 4 2015 Softcover 2795 208pp 9780813563992 Utilizing the concept of “pretrauma” to describe various forms of media that anticipate disaster this book discusses
Project MUSE Climate Trauma ~ CLIMATE TRAUMA CLIMATE TRAUMA Foreseeing the Future in Dystopian Film and Fiction E Ann Kaplan Rutgers University Press New Brunswick New Jersey and London Library of Congress CataloginginPublication Data Kaplan E Ann Climate trauma foreseeing the future in dystopian film and fiction E Ann Kaplan pages cm Includes
Climate Trauma Foreseeing the Future in Dystopian Film ~ Climate Trauma Foreseeing the Future in Dystopian Film and Fiction by E Ann Kaplan Climate Trauma Foreseeing the Future in Dystopian Film and Fiction Author E Ann Kaplan Isbn 0813563992 Isbn13 9780813563992 Binding Paper Back PRODUCT DESCRIPTION Publisher Rutgers University Press
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