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Date : 2009-10-20
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Biomolecular Crystallography Principles Practice and ~ Biomolecular Crystallography is first and foremost a comprehensive reference text and laboratory manual for the practicing structural biologist from the basics of biomolecular structure to modern advanced and powerful techniques in biomolecular structure determination and analysis and application of structural information
Biomolecular Crystallography Principles Practice and ~ Biomolecular Crystallography Principles Practice and Application to Structural Biology CRC Press Book Synthesizing over thirty years of advances into a comprehensive textbook Biomolecular Crystallography describes the fundamentals practices and applications of protein crystallography
Biomolecular Crystallography Principles Practice and ~ Biomolecular Crystallography is first and foremost a comprehensive reference text and laboratory manual for the practicing structural biologist from the basics of biomolecular structure to modern advanced and powerful techniques in biomolecular structure determination and analysis and application of structural information
Biomolecular Crystallography Principles Practice and ~ Alexander McPherson University of California at Irvine USA a Biomolecular Crystallography is first and foremost a comprehensive reference text and laboratory manual for the practicing structural biologist from the basics of biomolecular structure to modern advanced and powerful techniques in biomolecular structure determination and
Biomolecular Crystallography Principles Practice and ~ Biomolecular Crystallography Principles Practice and Application to Structural Biology Ebook written by Bernhard Rupp Read this book using Google Play Books app on your PC android iOS devices Download for offline reading highlight bookmark or take notes while you read Biomolecular Crystallography Principles Practice and Application to Structural Biology
Biomolecular Crystallography Principles Practice and ~ Biomolecular Crystallography Principles Practice and Application to Structural Biology by Bernard Rupp Garland Science Taylor Francis Group 2009 xxiþ809 pp £60 hardcover ISBN 9780815340812 As stated by Brian Matthews in his Foreword this new work by Bernard Rupp is a true
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Biomolecular crystallography principles practice and ~ Principles Practice and Application to Structural Biology Bernhard Rupp Garland Science TaylorFrancisCroup Analysis anddescriptionofthe structure 18 16 Crystallographic modelsand coordinate files 19 Applicationsofthe Pattersonfunction 468 95 Nextsteps 469 96 Keyconcepts 469
Biomolecular crystallography principles practice and ~ Get this from a library Biomolecular crystallography principles practice and application to structural biology Bernhard Rupp Introduction preparing for your study Protein structure Protein crystallization Proteins for crystallography Crystal geometry Diffraction basics Statistics and probability in
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